Read moreInkling Celebrates 10 Years!
How Inkling Came to Be
10 years ago, I was manager at a gift shop in Chicago. At the time, my friend Rebecca was in the process of opening her shop Wild Card in Pittsburgh. Her excitement grew every month as she was closer to opening her very own space. I was proud of her. Early in 2010 I questioned my own future. I spent my free time holed up in my apartment making products to sell at craft fairs, saving my profits and living off my day job. That's a lot to ask for, living in such a large city, but I wanted more. What did I want for myself? I wanted to spend my entire day immersed in art. Was that feasible in Chicago? Did I want to make art full-time, or did I want a space for myself? Why not both?
I was scared. Scared to fail, but more afraid of disappointing my friends since I needed their help. I am the sole owner of Inkling, but I did not do this alone. During my years selling my work at art fairs I met incredibly talented artists that I wanted to represent in my shop. I worked with them to curate a unique selection of items to stock my shop and create the atmosphere I had dreamed of.
It started with finding the right space. I lived in Lakeview, so I looked nearby and found a charming stretch of Broadway near Oakdale. Things started to get very real very fast. I think if I had slowed down at any point during the development I would have psyched myself out and frozen in fear. Ten years later, I wouldn't change a thing. I continue to introduce artists that I admire to my community, I’m surrounded by art and creativity every day, and I am lucky to meet exciting people each time my doors open.
You can usually find me at one of three places: Inkling, home (with a cat(s) on my lap) or Lill Street. If you haven’t been to the latter, it’s a gallery space, and there’s a gift shop. But most importantly, they host art classes in a myriad of mediums. Inside you’ll find a strong sense of community, and people of every age and ability, all focused on art making. I've been taking ceramics classes at Lill Street for around four years now, and have thoroughly enjoyed my time there; the skills I have gained and the people I have met.
Ceramics is sort of where Inkling began. A clay vase was the first thing I ever sold at the Renegade Craft Fair, in a booth I shared with a group of friends, calling ourselves the “Crafty Ladies.” Throughout the mid 2000’s, the “Crafty Ladies” and I sold our wares at various art festivals in Chicago, and even in New York.
I got really comfortable in that environment and eventually found myself working in small stationery shops. After becoming manager of one such shop, I set my sights higher and dreamt of opening a store of my own with my own aesthetic in mind.
Now, when visiting Inkling, you can still find my ceramics adorning walls and holding plants. From the art fairs to opening my own store, though I never imagined it at the time, ceramics has brought my dream full-circle.
Ceramic wall pocket 2019
Mexico City
When Cindy, of Paper Parasol Press, mentioned to me that she wanted to visit Mexico City, I couldn’t resist saying “Let’s go!” I’ve always held a deep appreciation for the Mexican culture, artwork and food, and with my birthday approaching, I wanted to experience it all. It was everything I hoped for and more: from strolling the streets of Roma, to the Sunday antique market, I couldn’t get enough. It seemed as though everywhere we went there was an abundance of artists, from illustrators to print makers, and everything in between.
Macolen in Mexico City
We sought out Macolen, who features, as well as manufactures, the ever-charming form of printing Risograph. I did not travel to Mexico City expecting to happen upon the Willy Wonka’s Chocolate Factory of prints. However, as I stepped inside the space, I was pleasantly and endearingly surprised; stacks upon stacks of beautifully illustrated work surrounded me. I almost couldn’t take it! The place was so full of amazing works of art, hundreds of illustrations, that my awestruck eyes didn’t know where to go! I had to focus, as I did not anticipate this many treasures, all in one place.
Questions ran feverishly through my head, “How do I get these home? How many? Which ones?...” and I began to picture these pieces in my store, how the lines and colors would brighten everything around them, in addition to customers’ faces. Luckily, the guys at Macolen were super patient, as I picked up (with fervor and through deliberation) dozens and dozens of designs...all of which can now be found at Inkling! I’ll definitely be back to Mexico City, finding--and sharing--more of my treasures with you.
New Artwork at Inkling by Alejandra Ballesteros
Frida Kahlo’s Paint and Palette, La Casa Azul
Inkling’s shopkeeper, Stephanie
Sage and smudge
mineralogy paper by Cavallini Papers / California blue sage + white sage / palo santo wood / abalone shell / rose quartz / clear quartz / amethyst
Smudging into the New Year
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