The beginning of the year is a great time to smudge. Take a breath, reflect on the previous year and let-that-shit-go. You did it! Yay, you!
Clearing my physical space, with sage or palo santo wood, while practicing mindfulness, is a new/old concept for me. I hadn't been in the right headspace to slow down and be present, being super wound up from the holidays and to be honest, I was just tired. This last year was a blur. I can honestly say, the shop has never looked better, and I couldn’t be more proud of the work I’ve done this year. However, I have never needed a break more. I took the last week off to rest, paint, play, eat, reflect etc. in the comfort of my home. I finally rearranged my apartment that I had been putting off for months, with intention of a creating a more conducive work space. And now, it’s time to smudge.
A few years back, I introduced sage sticks to Inkling. Side note: my parents live and work in New Mexico, where sage grows wild. At my mom’s behest, my dad collected sage and she tied them into bundles. Shipping off a dozen for me to “see how they do.” The first batch sold out so quickly, I had to find a new source for them. That, and I was a teeny bit concerned that my dad would run into a poisonous creature in the desert.
And that’s the story of how sage, palo santo and other Southwest influences come to be at Inkling.
The land of enchantment. Photo taken out the car window while traveling between Santa Fe and Albuquerque, New Mexico. Years ago my parents moved here. They had enough of the winters in the Midwest, I get it.
In my personal opinion the scent of palo santo > sage. The smoke of this palo santo wood is believed to have both medicinal and therapeutic healing powers. It is also said to inspire creativity, provide protection, expel negative energy and encourage good fortune. Hey, it doesn’t hurt to try! I also appreciate the fact that, that just like sage, they are grown in California and are a 100% sustainable resource. The subtle smoke of palo santo wood can provide a state of calmness and relaxation that will help you to keep negative thoughts at bay. the act of being present in the moment.
Here’s instructions on how I use the wood. To be brief, I light one end of the stick and allow to burn, I gets a good flame going, blow it out and rest the wood on a fireproof dish.
Sage, it has been said, is used to purify and cleanse a space, repel negative energy and drive away from evil spirits.